Monday, June 11, 2007

Frank Capra Revisited

I have just read probably the best film review I have ever read. If you have the time (it's long but well worth it) read Rod Bennet's incredible essay on Frank Capra at Godspy. If you haven't seen It's A Wonderful Life or any of the other Capra films he discusses, it may not be as profound but if you know these classic films, I promise you that after reading this essay you will never hear the expressions "Capra-esque" or "Capra-corn" in the same way again! This essay and the film(s) it discusses will definitely find their way into my Theology and Film class next year. Click here to read it.

Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

If you want proof that the church is seriously loopy these days just watch this video. I'm not sure what religion this is but it sure as Hades ain't Christianity. Thanks to Rhett's blog Rhettspect.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Riddler Strikes

Entering my office door recently I found a Birthday card with my Bat-likeness on it, and the following cryptic missive:

No Batman it's not your birthday It's time to explain your theology.

Is Robin the son? Is Alfred the father?

Are you moving in the Spirit, Batman?
What motivates you to save the city?

Is your cosmos confined to Gotham City?
Are you a Southern Baptist in disguise?

Here is an easy one Batman:


I am three yet I am one
For theologians I'm a sum
One makes three and three makes one
(To Freud and Jung I am none)
Most explanations are unsatisfactory
Nicene defines me as homoousion to patri
Unless you answer simple and plain I'll tell the world that you are... Bruce Wayne!

The Riddler


Holy conundrums Boy Wonder! Let's see what comes out if we run it through the Bat Computer. The first four lines refer to the Trinity, but from then on it seems to be the Son who is in view ("homoousion to patri" meaning "the same as (in the sense of being of one essence with) the Father. As for the identity of the Riddler (aka Edward [E.] Nigma) I thought at first it was one of my Introduction to Theology students but the reference to Freud and Jung makes me wonder if it might be one of my Apologetics students instead. Hmmm, the plot thickens.